Haiz。。今天好伤心!爸,为什么你要这样讲我!你知道你这样说会伤了我的自尊心吗!从以前我的自尊心已经被伤了很多次!我真的不想被伤过太多次!我只是这样问你吧了为什么你要讲“你的头脑不可以转一下啊你应该把你学到的转一下就知道了啊!所以就是读死书!"我真的是不知道吗难道你不可以好好的跟我讲!就是要讲一些这样的话!对,也许我的英文不好!当我听到这话我真的好伤心!我再也忍不住的哭了出来!我真的好伤心!我最讨厌被人家看不起,我超超超讨厌这种感觉!我不要被人家看不起!真的!啊。。。。。被人家看不起的感觉真的不好受!我不要被你看不起!从小我承认我成绩不比人卓越,所以在UPSR和PMR都不是很好!让你和妈都失望了!可是这都不是我要的!但在SPM我一定会证明给你们看我不是读死书!我不会让你们看不起我的!我一定要摆脱被人看不起的!有时我真的好羡慕别人的家人会给与他们的支持!但是我觉得我都没有!有时就因为这样使得我真的很想快点SUCCESS IN MY LIFE!我一定要考到好成绩给你们看!啊。。。。。。。。。。。。
i know you can do it..
your english is ok..
better than most people..
so not to worry la..
as for your father..
he said it out of anger..
dun take it too seriously ok.
one day he will understand..
he will see your talents
your potentials
dun always associate failure to yourself
you can do it..
u just gotta learn to trust yourself
dun worry friend..
i am here for you!!!
Haha..thank you for you all de advise la!i know what should i do!for me..i really don like bei bie ren look down lo..maybe because i never success before then being look down by people!this is why i want to be a success person!i will not think of faster success then do bad things..i will follow step by step!haha...
haha...don worry i will not do that de..
i believe you girl...
jia you jia you...
i support you oo...
haha..thank you la!i will be strong!
Haha, god sis i want to said de your friend already said le...
Keep going ya!!
I believe that you can do it,
I always support you oo~
I hope that next time i see you,
You are the happiest and
get your best result de...
well..i will keep on try to be oevercome from it!hmm...i will not let sadness affect me lo!
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