Friday, April 17, 2009


今天没有做工,所以和朋友去CS逛逛。。感觉好自在哦!我们谈了很多关于工作上的事。。感觉精神上真的好累哦。。不知道要怎么说呢!在那工作很复杂啊。。。不管了都不是我的事!之后坐巴士回家。。。这让我想起我从form 2到form 5 从omega 搭巴士回家的感觉~好久没有那种感觉了,而且我也毕业了不能了!以前我是为了补习。。那时候的我真的很累。。可是我那时觉得为了SPM是值得的。。其实到头来是不值得!!为什么呢?一切是我的错。。我没有真正的努力读书!觉得浪费我妈他们的钱~真的很后悔没有真正的努力!!其实我还是无法放下我SPM成绩,我还放不下~始终还是有遗憾!!我就是这样太执着某样事情了搞到我真的很累,伤心,不开心,烦恼!!!今天我不是为了补习搭巴士回家的。。纯粹只是从CS回家咯,长大了要大胆点,要面对很多事情!在巴士还没有走时看到那些人在新加坡做工。。不知道怎么了感觉在那比较好!可惜我不可以在那里读书!没有关系咯。谁叫我没有努力读书!很累啊。。有点想快点去读书啊。。不想在JB这里的感觉啦。。我真的不想“烦恼朋友”找上我!刚才在路上时,突然好像回到中学生涯的时候!那时真的很爽虽然要面对SPM可是就没有烦恼!现在才长一岁罢了,“烦恼朋友”就很多找上我呀。。。我不要这种生活。。真的很累了!真的很想开心过每一天。。没有伴侣也没有关系。。虽然会寂寞可是。。唉。。人生啊怎么那么多烦恼啊??谁能告诉我啊??


Ree said...



Magdeline said...


Ree said...

I know..
I understand..
he is your past now..
regretting and frettiing about the past will not help you now and in the future..
i know its tough on you..
but u gotta be strong..
laughter and crying is a good medicine..
you will feel better after that.
everytime when memories come back ignore them and continue doing your things!
hope things will be better for you!
till we meet again ooo...

Magdeline said...

actually i don know why sommetime i will think back all memories la..he is the past and i will not think about him anymore la..i know fall in a deep love last time,it make me very sad and cant oevercome from it la..but now everything ok le..i put the burden already lo...haha..well if i feel sad i really cry, make me feel more comfortable la..well..i know..i will be ok la..don worry!see you then~

Ree said...

ahhh, awesome!

can't wait to see you in July!

take k..

Magdeline said...

haha..why awesome??july??huh??

Ree said...

your coming over right?

Magdeline said...

i think so...maybe i will go there and visit...haha